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// Fire Compliance

Certificates & Sign Off’s

A Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) shows that adequate escape facilities are present in a building. It indicates that the building is designed in a way that prevents and limits the spread of a fire.
All buildings must comply with Part B (Fire) of the Building Regulations 1997 – 2010, however not all buildings need a FSC.
ADL Group handle multiple applications for clients on an ongoing basis. We are experienced to manage the process on your behalf and guide you through and implement the actions required to ensure your building is compliant with Building Control Regulations.

When do you require a FSC?

The following developments require a Fire Safety Certificate;
Works in connection with the design and construction of a new building
Works in connection with the material alteration of: A day centre, A building containing a flat, A hotel, hostel or guest building, An institutional building, A place of assembly, A shopping centre
Works in connection with the material alteration of a shop, office or industrial building where additional floor area is being provided within the existing building or where the building is subdivided into a number of units for separate occupancy.

The implications of not having a FSC are extremely serious.

If the building is inspected by a member of the building control authority and on finding proof that no Fire Safety Certificate is in place, the building could be subject to closure.

To discuss Fire Safety requirements for your upcoming project, please get in touch with a member of our team on 020 8248 4011